How can I delete directories which are smaller than Gigabyte?
du -hd1|grep -v G |awk {‘print “rm -rf ” $2’}|sh
herochan: Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command #4 (of 5) Assassination – by Tsuneo Sanda See

Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command #4 (of 5)
Assassination – by Tsuneo Sanda
See the entire series here.
herochan: Invasion Revelations Cover #1 of upcoming Star Wars Comic Series – by Chris Scalf deviantA

Invasion Revelations
Cover #1 of upcoming Star Wars Comic Series – by Chris Scalf
herochan: Yellow Lantern Darth Vader – by Andrew Charipar Artist’s note: Yellow Lantern Darth Vader,